Archive for the 'The Art of Programming' Category

Website software

Posted in Blogs on blogs, Campfire Stories, Essential Tools on May 7th, 2009

After nearly 18 years of doing web-based work as either my primary job or in support of other work I get this question a few times a year:

We need to find a good, easy to use software program for generating the [website name here]. PC based. Any suggestions?

My snappy answer is

WordPress       WordPress at Wikipedia


I’ve used notepad, vi, VisualStudio, Netscape Gold, DreamWeaver, … All kinds of different tools. On the server side: Netscape Server, cgi-bin with perl, IIS (since NT 3.51), all sorts of pre-IIS app servers I can’t even remember the names of, Java technologies and LAMP.

I’ve used those bastard website-in-a-box things almost every ISP offers.

Way too many times.

Looking back I have to ask myself: which techniques and technologies stood up to the test of time? Which do I look back at with no regrets?

  1. WordPress on LAMP or IIS
  2. IIS/ASP and IIS  with ASP.NET

On the desktop editing/managing side? VisualStudio and Visual Source Safe

That’s it. I assert that you can build ANYTHING with these technologies. I routinely build sites that use BOTH 1. and 2. — like

If you are a beginner: go pure WordPress. if you need more site functionality there is almost anything you could want available as a wad of PHP you can tack on.

If you need a real web application — and you think it is going to get large: ASP.NET is astoundingly powerful and lots of standard functionality is available out of the box. Especially identification/authentication and data driven UI functions.

Integrating Subversion with Visual Studio 2005/2008

Posted in Essential Tools on May 4th, 2009

Subversion works well and it is easily integrated into Visual Studio using AnkhSVN found at

Note that as of this writing, you need to use a daily build version instead of any stable release if you are using the latest SVN client version.

Installation is easy and in use it works much as Source Safe integration did:


Yell if you want but I still like how Visual Studio integrates with Source Safe.

Actually, I should have said “miss” how Visual Studio integrates with Source Safe since I see VSS in use at fewer and fewer workplaces — except my home. People point out that’s kind of sick.

Missing Visual Studio Trick: Ctrl-J or IntelliSense is Your Friend

Posted in Essential Tools on March 17th, 2009

huh. Usually adding “Intelligent” or “Smart” to the name of anything in software is to doom that anything to complete failure and ridicule.

However, IntelliSense is your friend.

In Visual Studio, just type Ctrl+J anywhere and there’s your buddy. Great for crappy typists like me.

11 Visual Studio 2005 (and 2008) IDE Tips

Posted in Essential Tools on March 17th, 2009

I found this on Scott Guthrie’s blog (he’s the General manager at Microsoft for Visual Studio, ASP.NET, CLR, etc. (I did my “code on whiteboard” interview with him when I interviewed there…)) and he in turn found this post from Chin Do’s blog:

11 Visual Studio 2005 IDE Tips and Tricks to Make You a More Productive Developer

Some of the tips are .NET specific (snippets!) but most work in the C++ world too.


Essential Tool: CopySourceAsHTML

Posted in Essential Tools on March 17th, 2009

In writing any sort of code how-to you end up wanting to write code examples.


   13 // CAboutDlg dialog used for App About


   15 class CAboutDlg : public CDialog

   16 {

   17 public:

   18     CAboutDlg();


   20 // Dialog Data

   21     enum { IDD = IDD_ABOUTBOX };


   23     protected:

   24     virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX);    // DDX/DDV support


   26 // Implementation

   27 protected:


   29 };

… like this.

Enter a really cool tool: CopySourceAsHTML which was written by Colin Coller and was released by J.T. Leigh & Associates Inc.

While you can get the application at the link above, things are a bit terse at that site. An explanation of how to use CopySourceAsHTML may be found at a great page on this and other cool tools Visual Studio Add-Ins Every Developer Should Download Now from the MSDN Magazine site.

One quick hint: CopySourceAsHTML defaults to showing line numbers (if you have line number in your display). Line numbers are great in an article for indicating details to readers. Line numbers are crappy if you want to make it easy to copy/paste code so in that case, suppress the line number using the CopySourceAsHTML option before adding to your post as I did with this second snip below:


// CAboutDlg dialog used for App About


class CAboutDlg : public CDialog





// Dialog Data

    enum { IDD = IDD_ABOUTBOX };



    virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX);    // DDX/DDV support


// Implementation




NTFS tricks and the full c: disk

Posted in Campfire Stories, Windows Details on March 9th, 2009

In the last week or so I’ve hit a point on my workstation where booting and running everyday apps has just slowed to an unbearable crawl.  This happened to me before but I switch machines enough that I usually avoid the issue by, well, switching machines.

This time I think I have to actually stop and fix it — because I won’t have a new machine for another week or so.

Dang. Forced learning.


Using perfmon it is clear the disk is thrashing. Note the top two counters,  pages/sec (yellow) and Average disk access queue (blue)  are pegged but CPU (green) is mild.

This is with the machine basically idle. I have the usual suite of things like Google Desktop and Tortiose SVN running so I’m not shocked things are accessing the disk but the machine is almost unusable and it was running fine about a month ago. No, I checked, I don’t have a virus. In my life the problem has never been “it’s a virus.” It has always been “I did something stupid.” I guess viruses also fall into that I-did-something-stupid bin …

I’m sure some of you are ahead of the story and saying “has he checked his disk space?” Turns out I have almost 21% free space on a 320 GB drive. Is that a problem?


This is a Windows XP system with NTFS on the C: drive. I actually have couple more 320 GB drives on this machine but they’re basically empty. Why are they empty? Dumb reasons. I have a bunch of alpha and beta quality projects going, each of which has all kinds of massive data sets and each of which the developers insist “install it on the C: drive — it doesn’t work quite right in other locations.” Sigh. They are mostly not my developers so I can’t explain (or yell) to them HOW STUPID IT IS TO WELD YOUR APP TO THE C: DRIVE.

But why is an 80% full NTFS partition a problem? When I started this I actually did not know why but I’ve known for years that NTFS disk performance goes to crap once you get north of 70% full or so — but why? I found some of the best information on this topic on this page by Mitch Tulloch at O’Reilly Windows Devcenter.

Based on Mitch’s descriptions, my best theory is that it’s a combination of the Master File Table (MFT) getting fragmented as well as space needed for the pagefile. This hints at two fixes: move the paging file and clear some disk space.

Getting into the disk management applet,


I saw that Dell helpfully left me a 3.11 GB partition that was unused so I formatted it FAT32, declared a 3067 MB page file there, and removed the one on the C: drive.  Note: Ideally the pagefile partition would be on a physically separate disk but I’m working with what I have.

After a reboot I have:


Performance is much better — the machine now thrashes for about 3 minutes after boot and login as opposed to 15+ (!) minutes before moving the pagefile location.

However, I’m at 79% full (down from 82%) on the C: drive so I’m still in serious risk of MFT fragmentation so let’s clean up the disk.

Gina Trapani wrote this very helpful post about using WinDirStat to see what’s using space on your disk.

WinDirStat is a really cool tool!  I’ve learned about (and subsequently forgotten) this tool several times. I have on the order of 1,000,000 files on this system so the graphical tool to help me home in on the disk hogs is really helpful.


After some quality time marvelling at all the cruft I had accumulated on my machine (why did I have two cygwin installations? Why did I have one? ) I moved or deleted  about 60 GB of stuff and got to around 38% free and the machine is running much better now.

The scary thing is that I absolutely “need” the 180 GB in use now. It was only a few years ago that 30 GB drives were ok…