Books & Mags

This is kind of like “what’s on my workbench” but more literally (pun intended) it’s: what’s piled next to my bed.

I collect a big stack until it becomes structurally unstable (i.e. I trip over it getting up in the morning) and then put away books that I’m not actually reading. Books here have a half life of about one month – after three months there’s really 100% turnover.

Make it Work: Earth and Make it Work: Maps – Really cool books that have scenery, terrain and map projects for children that are good experience for young model railroaders-to-be.

Small World, Dioramas in Contemporary Art - this is a book about dioramas as pieces of art. Gets me thinking about the reasoning and messages I want my work to convey.

The Callboard of the Redwood Empire Division of the NMRA – (site) yep, I’m a card carrying member of the NMRA and this is my regional newsletter.

Modeler’s Resource – (site) I subscribed to this for a year recently. More oriented to the sci-fi and comic book figure modelers but strays into lots of other areas too.

Model Railroad Planning 1998 – I’ve bought several of the MR Planning “special” issues. I recommend buying them from a newsstand so you can look it over first. Some issues have lots of things I’m interested in while others may have very little.

Scenic Express Catalog – (site) Great company that specializes in scenery materials.

Redwood Railways by Gilbert H. Kneiss – My favorite history of the Northwestern Pacific and the many predecessor railroads that grew and merged into the NWP. Compared to other sources it gives a broader background of the people and history around the railroads in northern California.

The Art of the Miniature – my favorite “dioramas as art” book. Lots of insight on, and examples of composition and lighting ideas.

Make Magazine – wild and inspiring gadget building projects.

The Narrow Gauge & Shortline Gazette – (site) I own every issue. Over the years has consistently maintained excellent quality. Ok, maybe a couple years in the 80’s were a bit weak but still worth every penny.

PC Gamer – notice what you are reading this post on? A computer. Computers and software are my day job and are also a fantastic modeling and research tool. As computer games increasingly become immersive sensory experiences I see model building design converging with game design (and movies, for that matter).

Model RailroaderSigh. I have a strong emotional attachment to MR because of its place in my personal model railroading history but MR is getting increasingly dotty with age. I have issues back to the late sixties and will cherish them always but my model magazine subscription dollars may soon go elsewhere.

Railroad Model Craftsman – (site) The quality of this magazine is steadily increasing.

Scale Rails – “free” with your membership in the NMRA. Good thing. Ok, I’m being harsh, the particular issue shown had a couple really good articles in it (even if the engine in cover photo has a big old feather duster feather draped over the cab). And hey! They STILL haven’t paid me for the guest editorial I did for Tom Troughton back in 2004!

Walthers catalog – still the “Sears Catalog” of model railroading. Like MR, Walthers has a powerful emotional tie to my model railroading history. Walthers’ catalog combined with their website and on-line ordering are a huge aid in any large modeling effort.

Books of Clark Kinsey photos – Wow. I just got these a couple months ago and they are simply gorgeous books. A great online source for Kinsey photos is here at the University of Washington Libraries Digital Collections.

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