There is no reason why your homework should look any different from my answer key.
On homeworks 1 and 2, I did not receive one single paper which I could consider truly good college-level work. Good content presented in a trashy way is trash. I shouldn't have to explain how to produce an acceptable paper but you really have left me no alternative. I have never had to tell a class what constitutes an acceptable paper before.
All of the following rules were violated so often on the last assignment that from now on I'll require that all work meets all of these rules. Violation of any of the following rules allows me the option of giving you a zero for the entire assignment.
Content rules:
1. On math problems, show all work, answers must be in proper scientific notation, answers must have units, answers must be circled or boxed.
2. Write the question you are answering in its entirety.
3. Answers copied from the text (or any other text) will get zero credit.
4. Merely stating an unsupported answer does not constitute a complete answer. You must supply all information necessary to justify your answers. I already know the answers. You must demonstrate that you know and understand the concepts behind the answers. OFTEN this will require a sketch or two.
5. An incorrect answer can get partial credit and is always better than putting no answer at all. If you must skip a question you must write down the number of the question, the entire text of the question, and leave your answer blank.
6. Answers must be coherent English.
Format rules:
1. Illegible writing will get a zero.
2. Crossing out text and jamming a new answer into any available space will get a zero.
3. All questions must be in the same order as given on the assignment sheet.
4. Any page with more than one line crossed out will be thrown out.
5. Ragged edge pages will be thrown out.
6. All assignments must be written in ink. Use only one color of ink (but remember Format rule 1). Papers written in red ink will be thrown out. Computer printing is fine but any handwriting on the pages must be in ink.
7. All pages must be 8.5" x 11" in size and the same color. You can only write on one side of the paper you use. All pages must be numbered and stapled. Loose pages will be thrown out.
9. Sketches must be at least a half page in size. Explain your sketch: you must label enough of what's in the sketch so it is unambiguous what the sketch is a drawing of. You may have no more than one sketch per page.