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A100 Fall 96 Final and Class Grades

Last Update: 12/23/96

Many of the finals looked pretty bad but it (usually) looked like you had put some real effort into them. As planned I dropped your worst homework score and allowed you to miss up to two pop quizzes with no penalty.

The marking of the final exams worked like this:

Most of you were pretty unhappy with how hard I rode you. Most of you improved your work significantly and I feel the final grading refects this. Have a safe holiday break.

Dan S.

Average Percent: 86%
Number Turned in: 32
Average score: 108
Points Possible: 445 390 125
Raw Adj Class Final
Total Total Grade 12/19/96
Last 4 % %
7919 96% 101% A+ 130
1032 86% 98% A 130
4408 93% 97% A 119
9953 87% 95% A 125
2823 89% 94% A 125
7637 88% 92% A 125
2167 85% 91% A 125
4274 87% 90% A 106
5902 82% 89% A 125
8605 82% 89% A 113
1137 78% 89% A 106
5741 78% 89% A 106
9749 81% 89% A 125
4051 80% 89% A 130
6916 84% 88% A 125
6580 80% 88% A 113
9284 80% 87% A- 106
7524 82% 87% A- 106
9059 80% 87% A- 106
2616 76% 86% A- 113
3639 79% 86% A- 113
7359 79% 86% A- 94
9227 78% 86% A- 119
6784 76% 83% B 94
5769 72% 80% B 94
4161 76% 79% B 81
6058 76% 78% B 81
3469 67% 76% B- 125
6152 73% 75% B- 63
4566 64% 73% C+ 125
0967 63% 69% C 63
4242 inc 54% INC
4527 38% 44% F 38
0195 inc 38% INC
3140 30% 32%
3430 23% 26%
4134 20% 23%
4155 12% 14%
8247 4% 5%
0 2% 3%
4959 2% 3%
3752 0% 0%
1284 0% 0%

Average Percent: is the average percent earned by students who turned in tha assignment.

Number Turned In: How many students turned in the assignment.

Average Score: is the average number of points earned on the assignment.

Points Possible: Number of points the assignment was worth.

Dates are each assignment's due date.